Character Analysis Horatio

Horatio epitomizes the faithful friend. He only questions Hamlet’s judgment once, when Hamlet confides the fates of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Otherwise, Horatio supports every rash decision Hamlet makes. Horatio is the man Hamlet wants to be. He is intelligent, but not driven by his intellectual creativity. Horatio seems to accept […]

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Character Analysis Laertes

Hamlet and Laertes presumably grew up together, fencing with one another and confiding in one another. Then Hamlet went away to Wittenberg and Laertes to Paris, parting the friendship. Still, Hamlet refers to Laertes as “a very noble youth.” Hamlet recognizes what Shakespeare has made abundantly clear throughout the play, […]

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Character Analysis Claudius

Shakespeare’s villains are complex. Unlike the earlier antiheroes of the revenge or morality plays that were popular in Elizabethan and Jacobean culture, Shakespearean criminals lack the simple clarity of absolute evil. Claudius is a perfect example of a quintessential Shakespearean antagonist. Claudius is socially adept, and his charm is genuine. […]

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