Study Help Film Versions

Adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays and other works have been featured in nearly 500 films and/or videos world-wide. That makes Shakespeare the most filmed playwright of all time! Here are the best, and most noteworthy, versions of Hamlet that can help you study and better understand the play. Hamlet 1948 Produced […]

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Critical Essays Major Themes

Explore the different themes within William Shakespeare’s tragic play, Hamlet. Themes are central to understanding Hamlet as a play and identifying Shakespeare’s social and political commentary. Mortality The weight of one’s mortality and the complexities of life and death are introduced from the beginning of Hamlet. In the wake of […]

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William Shakespeare Biography

Scholars know little about Shakespeare the Man, but significant evidence exists to suggest that Shakespeare the Writer/Producer/Actor/Director achieved success as an entrepreneur, and that he possessed an acute sense of what makes good theater and good entertainment. The very prosperous middle class that spawned him allowed William Shakespeare to parlay […]

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